Working Group: Global MAR Inventory
Goals and Activities
- Dr. Catalin Stefan, TU Dresden, Germany (leader of INOWAS Group)
- Dr. Arnaud Sterckx, International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre, Delft, The Netherlands.
IGRAC MAR Portal – The MAR Portal contains detailed information on Managed Aquifer Recharge sites around the world as well as regional MAR suitability maps. Outputs of the working group activities are uploaded and maintained here. In January 2019, UNESCO agreed to produce a booklet on Exemplary MAR case studies, through the combined efforts of the Working Groups on MAR for Sustainable Development and Economs of MAR, GRIPP and IGRAC.
How to contribute
Volunteers are sought to register some basic details on their MAR site(s) via the portal which has an upload form that is easy to complete. Check first on the portal to see whether your site is already included.
Two summary papers were produced as working group outputs and both are now available free from: :
- Stefan, C and Ansems, N. (2018). Web-based global inventory of managed aquifer recharge applications. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. Vol 4 (2) p153-162. (open access)
- Bonilla Valverde, J.P., Stefan, C., Palma Nava, A., da Silva, E.B. and Pivaral Vivar, H.L. (2018). Inventory of managed aquifer recharge schemes in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. Vol 4 (2) 163-178
Other examples of synthesis of outputs to date – see below:
Presentation-Global Inventory WG- Stefan- IAH-MAR Plenary-Dubrovnik 25 Sept 2017

Example of MAR global inventory map from IGRAC’s MAR Portal