Working Group: MAR to MARket


The MAR to MAR-k€t working group is coordinated by Dr. Enrique Fernández Escalante, Tragsa, Madrid, Spain and Dr. Teresa E. Leitão, LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal, and commenced with a workshop at ISMAR8, Beijing 2013.


The aims of MAR to MAR-k€t Working Group are to identify and communicate effectively with a much wider range of water users and water managers to explain MAR and its benefits than are normally exposed to IAH. This involves engaging with: Agro-industry, Water supply industry, Waste water treatment plants (SAT), Desalination companies, Bottled water companies, Golf courses, Public administration, Balnearies & SPAs (Sallus Per Aquam), Hotels and tourist facilities.


This working group is the global channel for an Action Group under the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) named: “Strategies and actions to bring managed aquifer recharge technique to industry (MAR(solutions) to MAR-k€t)”. This hyperactive group in association with MAR-SOL EU project (that concluded in 2017) has :

As it was announced at ISMAR 10 plenary in 2019 May, this group will be severely modified or disbanded along 2021.

More information is at :

Earlier activities

This group in association with MAR-SOL EU project held a series of meetings in The Netherlands (Feb 2016), Greece (Mar 2016), Tunisia (May 2016), Italy (June 2016), Bolivia (July 2016), Germany (Oct 2016), Spain (Nov 2016), Italy (Nov 2016), Portugal (Dec 2016) etc., to increase awareness of MAR, particularly widening the clientele. Details are at: martomarket-dinamar-marsol-2016-activities

Click below to download the report activities of the WG MAR to MAR-k€t:

A Peruvian example is shown at MAR to Market-IAH-MAR plenary-25 Sept 2017-example for-ICA-PERU-Enrique PPTs

MAR to MARket links at DINA-MAR website:

1-MARTOMARKET-proposal summary


Dissemination and Technology Transfer Strategy-

MtoM objectives EIP 2014

Workshop on Boosting MAR in Europe EIP Feb 2016 – 7 presentations


Contact: Dr. Enrique Fernández Escalante, Innovation Subdirectorate (Tragsa Group), E-mail:,  Tel. +34 91 3226106